Current Lab Personnel

Dr. Sam sternberg
PRincipal investigator

Sam Sternberg is an Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics at Columbia University Irving Medical Center. Read more here.

Contact Sam: shs2107[at]

Zara Akhtar
Lab Manager

Originally from Houston, I attended the University of Texas at Austin and graduated with a B.A. in Plan II Honors and a Pre-Medical Professions Certificate. During my undergraduate years, I worked in Dr. Eric Anslyn's lab to help generate a model to predict the circular dichroism response of chiral amines for rapid enantiomeric excess determination. I also served as a teaching assistant for introductory biology lab, an experience that sparked my interest in the development of genome engineering tools and ultimately led me to the Sternberg Lab. In my free time, I enjoy cooking, playing volleyball, reading, and being outdoors.

Contact Zara: za2348[at]

DR. Chance Meers
NIH Postdoctoral Fellow

I am a postdoc in the Sternberg Lab. I received my B.A. from Berry College and Ph.D. from the Georgia Institute of Technology, studying the ability of RNA to template DNA repair. Outside of the lab, I like exploring, hiking, and playing guitar.

Contact Chance: cm4064[at]

Dr. Diego Gelsinger
Postdoctoral Scientist

I am a biologist with extensive training in microbial ecology and bioinformatics. I received my B.S. in Microbiology with a minor in French at San Francisco State University. I carried out research in the lab of Dr. José de la Torre, where I studied the physiology, metabolism, and ecology of hyperthermophilic ammonia oxidizing archaea (AOA) from Yellowstone, USA, and Yunan, China. I carried out field work at the foot of the Himalayas in southeastern China to investigate these extreme microbes. I completed my Ph.D. in the lab of Dr. Jocelyne DiRuggiero at Johns Hopkins University. In my Ph.D., I studied the increased resistance to oxidative stress via non-coding RNAs in extremophilic microbial communities from hyperarid climates like the Atacama Desert, Chile. Outside the lab, I enjoy traveling, backpacking, cooking, brewing beer, and biking.

Contact Diego: drg2165[at]

Dr. Jerrin George
HFSP Postdoctoral Fellow

Trained as a chemical biologist, I received an integrated M.S.-Ph.D. dual degree from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune. During my doctoral research in the Srivatsan Lab, I developed various chemo-enzymatic technologies to functionalize RNA. In particular, I devised a technique employing CRISPR-dCas9 to recruit synthetic molecules to gene targets. As part of my postdoctoral training in the Sternberg Lab, I am interested in utilizing biochemical and biophysical tools to decipher the mechanism of novel bacterial CRISPR-Cas systems. Outside the lab, I am a shutterbug and enjoy long treks and exploring NYC.

Contact Jerrin: jtg2149[at]

Dr. Tanner Wiegand

I’m a postdoc in the Sternberg lab, focused on using computational methods to explore the diversity of mobile genetic elements. After graduating with a B.A. in Human Evolutionary Biology from Harvard in the Spring of 2014, I coached cross-country skiing for two years in my hometown of Bozeman, Montana. I then joined Blake Wiedenheft’s lab at Montana State University (MSU), where I researched adaptation in the type I-F CRISPR system of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, studied the evolution of SARS-CoV-2, and helped develop a Type III CRISPR-based diagnostic tool. I received my Ph.D. from MSU in 2021. When I’m not writing code or scouring genetic databases, I enjoy skiing, running, camping, rafting, and reading.

Contact Tanner: trw2137[at]

Dr. Arpita Chakravarti

I am a Research Scholar in Dr. Dinshaw J. Patel’s lab at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and am collaborating with the Sternberg Lab at Columbia University. I received my M.S. degree in Life Sciences from the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. My doctoral work in Dr. Raven Huang’s lab at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign focused on structural and functional studies on key proteins employed by eukaryotes and bacteria to defend against their viruses, mainly utilizing techniques like X-ray crystallography. In collaboration with the Sternberg lab, I am currently working on the biochemical and structural characterization of proteins involved in antiphage defense systems, using both X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy. Outside the lab, I enjoy listening to Indian Classical music, reading novels, poems and mythology.

Contact Arpita: chakraa2[at]

Dr. Egill Richard

As a post-doc in the Sternberg lab, I study phage defense systems to provide a better understanding of the origin of immunity in higher eukaryotes. Originally from France, I obtained my B.S. and M.S. degrees in Genetics at the Université Paris Cité before moving to the Institut Pasteur for my Ph.D., where I studied integron cassette dynamics in Prof. Didier Mazel’s team. Apart from science, my passions include photography, cooking, and surfing.

Contact Egill: er2858[at]

Rebeca King
M.D./Ph.D. Student

I am a fifth year M.D./Ph.D. student who is in the research phase of the MSTP program. I am originally from the border of Mexico and Texas and obtained a B.A. in Cognitive Sciences from Rice University. I am clinically interested in maternal fetal medicine and scientifically interested in methods of gene editing and the genetic basis of disease. In my free time, I enjoy cooking, dinner parties, traveling, and showing people pictures of my cat.

Contact Rebeca: rtk2123[at]

Florian Hoffmann
Ph.D. Student

After working in the Sternberg lab in summer 2019, I have re-joined the group and am a third-year Ph.D. student in the Integrated Ph.D. Program. I grew up in Berlin’s enchanting suburb Potsdam, where I wrote my Abitur exam on CRISPR-Cas gene drives. I left Germany to pursue a B.Sc. in Biochemistry at University College London (UCL). My fascination for the rapidly advancing genome editing field led me to the U.S. and the Sternberg lab, where I am now studying the molecular requirements of CRISPR-transposons and how these adept systems can be harnessed as molecular tools. In my free time, I love ‘investigating’ my new home, New York City, in all its facets and unique views, playing the piano, hiking, and chasing the tennis ball.

Contact Florian: fth2104[at]

George Lampe
Ph.D. Student

I am a third-year Ph.D. student coming from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, where I was a technician in the Massague Lab studying genetic pathways influencing metastasis and latency. I graduated from Middlebury College in Vermont, with a B.A. in Molecular Biology and minors in Mathematics and Spanish. I have a passion for uncovering novel methods of robust genetic engineering with CRISPR-Cas systems. Outside of the lab, I enjoy the outdoors by whatever means possible.

Contact George: gdl2108[at]

Matt Walker
PH.D. Student

I am from Toronto, Canada, and graduated from Harvard with an A.B. in neurobiology. After graduating, I worked on the genetics of C. elegans neuron development in the Chalfie Lab, where I became enamored with powerful tools for genome engineering. In my Ph.D. work, I am studying genome rearrangement in the ciliated protozoan, Oxytricha trifallax, in collaboration with Dr. Laura Landweber. I am passionate about natural systems of genome engineering and am interested in adapting mechanisms of genome integrity for targeted engineering. Outside of the lab, I am also an actor and enjoy rock climbing.

Contact Matt: mww2129[at]

Edan Mortman
PH.D. student

I was born in the U.S. but raised in Israel. Following a three-year military service, I received a B.Sc. in Biology from Tel Aviv University. As an undergrad, I used computational methods to study the evolutionary genomics of host-pathogen interactions. Currently I am a second-year Ph.D. student in the Genetics and Development program, with an interest in gene editing and tool development. Outside of the lab, I enjoy cooking, baking, and exploring NYC.

Contact Edan: eem2198[at]

Stephen Tang

I am an M.D./Ph.D. student at Columbia University and doing my thesis work in the Sternberg lab. Originally from Virginia, I graduated from Yale University with a B.S. in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry. Before arriving at Columbia, I worked as a research associate at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Broad Institute, where I applied genome-scale CRISPR-Cas9 screening to identify genetic vulnerabilities of prostate cancer. I am interested broadly in the biology of immunity, from phage defense in bacteria to the tumor-immune interface in humans. Outside of the lab, I conduct the CUIMC Symphony Orchestra, play violin and viola, and cook (i.e., do benchwork with edible reagents).

Contact Stephen: st3362[at]


I am a second-year Ph.D. student in the Integrated Program at Columbia University. My scientific journey started in my hometown of Vilnius, Lithuania, where I got my B.S. and M.S. in Biochemistry. During these years I’ve studied miniature CRISPR-Cas nucleases and their potential for human genome editing. I am fascinated by the dynamics of the DNA within cells and interested in uncovering the mechanisms employed by mobile genetic elements. In my free time I enjoy going for long walks, stargazing, and chasing squirrels.

Contact Rimantė: rz2610[at]

Valentin Conte
Master’s student intern

Originally from France, I am currently a visiting scholar in the lab and I am also a master's student at ENS Paris-Saclay, specializing in genetics and molecular biology. I am fascinated by everything related to prokaryotic immunity and mobile genetic elements. My aim is to understand their implications in bacterial physiology, which will be essential for using them in biotechnological and medical applications. Outside of my academic pursuits, I enjoy sports, spending time with friends, and fully exploring life on this new continent.

Contact Valentin: valentin.conte[at]

Juniper Glass-Klaiver
Ph.D. Rotation Student 

I am a first-year Physiology Ph.D. student currently conducting a rotation in the Sternberg lab. I earned a B.A. in Physics from Mount Holyoke College, where I also earned a 5-College Certificate in Sustainability Studies. During my undergraduate years, I researched computational material science of perovskite systems in Dr. Maria Gomez's lab and participated in AIM's Mathematical Climate Research Network. After completing my undergraduate studies, I worked as a research associate at UMass Chan Medical School, where I worked in Dr. Sy Redding’s lab and studied the organization of genomic information. During my rotation in the Sternberg lab, I am collaborating with Florian Hoffmann. In my spare time I enjoy reading and spending as much time as possible outdoors.

Contact Juniper: jlg2286[at]

Colin Kalicki
Ph.D. Rotation Student 

I am a first-year rotation student in the Sternberg lab. I received my B.S. from Stanford University, studying bioengineering and bioinformatics. Outside of the lab, I enjoy photography, backpacking, cats, and getting a grasp of NYC life.

Contact Colin: chk2153[at]

Aidan Jones
Ph.D. Rotation Student 

Originally from New Jersey, I attended Wesleyan University in Connecticut for undergrad where I graduated with a B.A. in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry and a B.A. in the College of Integrative Sciences. As an undergrad, I studied how ALS-associated mutations affect patient iPSC-derived astrocyte activation under inflammatory conditions. Now I am rotating in the Sternberg lab as a first-year Ph.D. student in the Integrated Cellular, Molecular, and Biomedical Studies program. I am broadly interested in uncovering and harnessing novel biological systems to address medical problems. Outside of the lab, I enjoy skiing, running, stargazing, playing piano, traveling, and trying new things.

Contact Aidan: asj2174[at]

Chris Acree
Visiting Scholar

I'm a visiting scholar in the lab with a background in software development and consulting. After working in a variety of industry roles, I decided to dedicate myself to exploring more fundamental scientific questions. I'm interested in exploring the mechanisms underlying genetic engineering and tuning their use for end applications. In my spare time, I enjoy long hiking trips, attending concerts, and distance running.

Contact Chris: acreechristopher[at]

Henry Le
research assistant

I am a research technician interested in leveraging computational and experimental techniques to explore interesting evolutionary paths taken by mobile genetic elements. I’m excited about both the biological unknowns and the translational possibilities of these systems. I recently graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a B.A. in Computational Biology and a B.S. in Economics. There, I worked developing in-situ sequencing techniques to better profile genetic perturbation screens in neurodegenerative models. Whenever I find time, I enjoy skateboarding, reading, and sleeping.

Contact Henry: hcl2124[at]

Dennis Zhang
Undergraduate Student

I’m a fourth-year undergraduate at Columbia College pursuing a B.A. in Biology. As a member of the Sternberg lab, I’m excited to not only harness and develop CRISPR-Cas technologies as genome engineering tools, but also explore other bacterial defense systems and phage-host interactions that may give rise to powerful, new biotechnologies. Outside of the lab, I enjoy playing the guitar, relentlessly churning through podcast episodes, and spending time deep inside the Morningside campus gym or running along the Hudson.

Contact Dennis: dz2404[at]


I am currently pursuing a B.A. in Biochemistry as an undergraduate at Columbia College. In regards to research, I am fascinated by the field of genome engineering and its potential applications in therapeutics for various human diseases. I am especially excited to learn more about a specific facet of genome engineering, CRISPR-transposon systems, and to investigate the mechanisms by which they function, as well as ways to optimize their activity. Outside of the lab, I enjoy golfing, baking, and exploring new neighborhoods around NYC.

Contact Ashley: al3828[at]

Lab Alumni - where did they Go?

Abby Fisher
B.A. student, Cornell University

Chrystal Mavros
Ph.D. student, Columbia University

Abigail Reed
Ph.D. student, Columbia University

Emily Dias
B.A. student, Columbia University

Marcus Hogan
Ph.D. student, University of California, Berkeley

Leslie Beh, Ph.D.
Principal investigator, IMCB, A*STAR

Tyler Halpin-Healy, Ph.D.
Scientist, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals

Ethan Chen
Research assistant, Harvard Medical School

Jason Mohabir
Research assistant, Broad Institute

Nora Jaber
Ph.D. student, Rutgers University

Hannah Hu
Ph.D. student, Columbia University

Leo Vo, Ph.D.
Scientist, Vertex Pharmaceuticals

Minjoo Kim, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral researcher, New York University

Jeanine Gezelle
Ph.D. student, Columbia University

Jonathan Chin Cheong
Ph.D. student, Columbia University

Yanis Pignot
M.S. student, Ludwig-Maximilians University

Fernando Del Castillo
B.A. student, Princeton University

Sanne Klompe, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral fellow, Pasteur Institute

Emily Lan
B.A. student, Barnard College

Sanjana Pesari
Ph.D. student, UC San Diego

Jasmine Freeman
B.S. student, Spelman College

Megan Wang
M.D./Ph.D. student, Columbia University